Aging Well

Aging well is a lifestyle choice we all must make as our bodies grow older. We’ll help you navigate your holistic health care journey with tips, suggestions, age-specific information and health news stories that matter to you.

Patient Story

A quest for quality

After years of urinary incontinence, Tammy Anderson finally found relief.

30 minutes to a healthier you

Study: Even a modest amount of exercise lowers the odds of dying from this deadly type of stroke.

An ageless equation

As you become more active, you'll increase your odds of living longer—no matter what your age or health history.

A growing group: Active Americans

Study finds sizable jump in number of U.S. residents, rural and urban alike, who are ditching couch time in favor of fitness.

The best medicine? Fresh air

Those who spend at least two hours a week outdoors often report better health and a greater sense of well-being.

Patient Story

‘This is an epidemic’

A painless lump on his neck turned out to be HPV-related throat cancer, a disease affecting a growing number of people.

Patient Story

‘A pacemaker for the brain’

Deep brain stimulation eases symptoms for a man battling Parkinson's disease.

Get the dish on aging well

The Mediterranean diet may hold the key to symptom management in midlife and beyond.

AI for your ears

Scientists are closer than ever to developing a smart hearing aid that separates desired sounds from undesirable background noise.

10 reasons to go vegetarian

You don’t need to be vegan to be healthy. But science tells us that eating fewer animal products can help you avoid many diseases.

Keep your wits sharp with brain bafflers

In tracking 19,000 adults for a quarter of a century, researchers find puzzles play a notable role in preserving mental sharpness.

Patient Story

Of grit and gratitude

Put off by a referral to hospice care, this 83-year-old heart patient sought a powerful second opinion and found a way forward.