Living with Chronic Conditions

Millions of us suffer from chronic illnesses, from asthma and diabetes to fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic illnesses are persistent and long lasting. Our experts—including those with chronic conditions—offer tips, treatments and advice to ease the burden.

Eyes could be the window to predicting Alzheimer’s

Plaques accumulate in the brain two decades before symptoms appear, so scientists are trying to find ways to detect the disease earlier.

Got that foggy feelin’?

Before you conclude your faulty memory is a sign of impending Alzheimer’s, consider reversible dementia as the culprit.

Take a vacation, your heart will thank you

Stress is known to have adverse effects on health, so anything that relieves stress—such as a getaway—is likely to have a salutary effect.

Gout could increase heart disease risk

This painful condition causes inflammation in the joints and in the body.

Patient Story

‘We’re not going to let this define her’

The Klotz family manages daughter Kamryn's cystic fibrosis with grace, trusting medical breakthroughs will escort her through a long and beautiful life.

Managing stress: recognize it, own it, ease it

Cope with everyday anxiety by finding relaxation strategies that work for you.

Haywire body clocks tied to mood disorders?

New findings extend our understanding of the body's complex genetic architecture and how it relates to hormones, neuroticism, depression and bipolar disorder.

Allergies go back to school

One child in 13—or about two in every classroom—has a food allergy. Follow these 4 tips to keep your kiddo safe.

Patient Story

‘It feels good to walk’

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment and coordinated care saves Robert Shinew's leg.

Have a weak grip?

It may signal future health troubles—even in kids.

Sleep deprivation may play role in loneliness

We humans are a social species. Yet going without solid sleep can turn us into social lepers.

Can eating crickets boost your health?

A bug's life—edible insects are nutritious and often surprisingly delicious.