Digestive Health & Disorders

Digestion is a fascinating and complex process. Knowing the ins and outs of your digestive system can help you better understand what to eat (and what to avoid) to maintain digestive health, as well as what to do when something goes wrong.

Time to get serious about celery

Make it your go-to option when punching up the crunch in tired old dishes.

Final word on fats: Opt for fish, nuts, plant oils

As you strive to make smart meal choices, it's essential to know the healthy fat sources from the unhealthy.

Fuel your fitness with whole foods

On the hunt for something to boost energy, build muscle or increase your athletic performance? You can't go wrong with natural foods.

Don’t fall for that fad diet

It’s hard to resist the hype of a quick weight-loss diet. But the promises don’t add up to long-term success.

Programmed to pack pounds?

A fat-storing protein that helped our ancestors avoid starvation may today play an outsized role in excess fat storage—in times of plenty.

Design a cholesterol-crushing diet

Choose oats, healthy nuts, beans and plant-based foods to bust cholesterol. Stay away from processed meats, creams and butter.

Unbeatable omega-3 source: Fatty fish

Flax, chia and walnuts are excellent plant-based sources, but certain types of fish will always deliver the greatest benefits.

Patient Story

Forging a future

Bariatric surgery gave a Michigan couple the edge they needed to shed pounds. But the real progress came when they confronted their lifelong emotional burdens.

Feel swollen? Blame salt

Highly processed food is an unfortunate hallmark of American diets. It leads to a glut of sodium, which can trigger bloating and gas.

Want results? Make smart, subtle shifts

Small, steady swaps are the surest way to make long-lasting improvements in your diet.

Patient Story

Food as medicine

Family Kitchen Rx teaches parents and kids how to cook their way to better health.

Patient Story

A quest for quality

After years of urinary incontinence, Tammy Anderson finally found relief.