
acute rehabilitation

Patient Story

‘I wanted to live’

After surviving some of the worst injuries trauma doctors have ever seen, Kim DeWind intends to "live life a little fuller."

Patient Story

‘God spared my life’

After her car got hit broadside at nearly 100 mph, Diane Carter endured four surgeries and excruciating pain on her remarkable road to recovery.

Patient Story

Zest for life

Two broken hips couldn’t keep 90-year-old Mary Beth Alexander down. Love of family—and a Korean boy band—fueled her recovery.

Patient Story

Day in the life of Fix

Police dog Fix and the 'guy at the other end of the leash' bring comfort and smiles to patients, staff and visitors.

Patient Story

To walk without fear

Patients paralyzed by strokes and spinal cord injuries are up and moving with help from this nimble device.

Patient Story

Act fast when you see signs of stroke

William "Bill" Boersma shares miraculous story about how he went from being a 'rag doll' after a stroke to a 'poster child.'