
artificial sweeteners

Scrutinize those sweeteners

A dietitian offers helpful tips to reduce your consumption of super-sweet additives.

Is it time to scrutinize sweeteners?

Pediatrics group calls for more research into artificial sweeteners and their effect on children's health.

Artificially sweet? A genuine problem

A host of artificial sweeteners are linked to higher risk of heart troubles, stroke and dementia, researchers say.

Yes, there is room for chocolate in your diet

Look for products with 70 percent cocoa or higher.

Study: Artificial sweeteners won’t affect your blood sugar

Sugar substitutes, however, don't give sugar-free chocolates and candy a 'health halo.'

The sour note on fake sweeteners

Childhood use of sugar substitutes jumped 200 percent from 1999 to 2012—and that's not a good thing.

Patient Story

30 days without sugar? Sweet!

One woman embraces the challenge.

Miracle berry: A trick of the tongue

The flavor-tripping fruit that turns sour foods sweet is completely safe, doctors say.