

Patient Story

‘The place I needed to be’

When cancer claimed her husband, Courtney Appel found solace in becoming a patient advocate.

Patient Story

‘One of the most beautiful things’

Cancer survivors are celebrated virtually with messages of hope, flowers and a grove of trees.

Patient Story

‘You have to move from empathy to action’

A drive-up option for cancer treatments serves patients' needs during the pandemic.

Could promiscuity up cancer risk?

Having more sexual partners could increase your exposure to problematic viruses.

Vaping could re-shape DNA

Chemical changes seen in cancer patients are also found in people who vape or smoke.

Kicking the habit? Don’t go it alone

Your odds of quitting for good will improve if you lean on therapies and others for help.

Many kids exposed to workplace toxins

Adults in certain work environments pick up toxic dust and contaminants, carrying them home on clothes and shoes.

AI could tackle prostate data

Computers may be just as effective as human experts in judging severity of tumors.

Patient Story

Crushing cancer

A teenager celebrates remission by smashing a replica of his tumor into a thousand tiny pieces.

Invest in middle age, reap in old age

If you want to gain quality years, adopt a low-risk lifestyle that embraces exercise and good nutrition—and shuns smoking and alcohol.

Is that insecticide troubling your heart?

Food consumption and at-home use of bug sprays expose us to chemical sprays that may cause cardiovascular problems.

Women’s health: Seek the full spectrum of service

Resources abound for women who experience menopause symptoms while battling breast cancer.