

Love your caffeine?

A dietitian unpacks the good and the bad of America's favorite pick-me-up.

Eat your way to a better brain

A good diet rich in these 10 foods may keep your memory and cognitive function in tip-top shape.

Sleep deprived? Don’t depend on caffeine

Although a cup of java might provide a boost, follow these 6 tips to re-energize.

Coffee—a magic microbiome machine?

Your gut instinct to enjoy that favorite cup of java may positively influence your overall health.

Coffee—a gallstone buster?

Study suggests prolific coffee drinkers may face a lower risk of gallstone disease.

Manage your morning brew

Coffee has its upsides, but there are boundaries to set. Beyond four cups a day, you're approaching trouble.

Manage your caffeine craze

For those battling anxiety, that cup of morning happiness may not be so harmless.

Want results? Make smart, subtle shifts

Small, steady swaps are the surest way to make long-lasting improvements in your diet.

Like coffee?

You may be genetically wired that way.

Is coffee good for you?

Research shows that the health benefits of coffee—even decaf—seem to outweigh the risks.

Coffee may do your liver good

Coffee drinkers may be at lower risk for liver disease.

Coffee: A natural disease fighter?

Enjoying a cup (or eight) of Joe per day may lower risks of Parkinson's disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and certain cancers.