
cognitive function

Eat your way to a better brain

A good diet rich in these 10 foods may keep your memory and cognitive function in tip-top shape.

The brain: Amazingly resilient

Patients recovered most of their function after pediatric epilepsy surgery, which entailed removal or severing up to half the brain.

Heart patients, meet Omega-3s

Healthy fatty acids may deliver a brain power boost.

Study: Dementia crisis looms

By 2040 more than 13 million people will have dementia—about 1 in 3 people over age 85.

Teen angst—a portent for dementia?

Analysis of '60s-era data suggests a teen's demeanor could influence brain health in later years.

Can you literally be scared to death?

It's possible to have a sudden cardiac event related to an adrenaline surge.

1 in 9 U.S. adults over 45 report memory problems

Noticing a decline in your mental abilities may be an early sign of Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

Fitness may fend off dementia

Study: Women who are fit at age 50 have a nearly 90 percent lower risk of developing Alzheimer's.

Tackling Alzheimer’s disease

It is never too late to lower your risk factors for dementia, but the time to start is now.

How resilient are your brain connections?

Certain pieces of brain structure may make some people less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.

Clues to ‘brain fog’ found in spinal fluid

Evidence reveals that classic symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome is 'not made up,' researchers noted.