

New year, new bundles of joy

Babies in West Michigan and East Michigan bring bright possibilities for the year ahead.

What’s a dad-to-be to do?

When mom is pregnant and readying for labor, there's plenty that partners can do to help lighten the load.

New baby, new roles

Here are some important ways dad can help out at home with the new baby.

Building the baby-safe world

You won't get it perfect, but there is much you can do to improve child safety at home and on the road.

Another option for pregnancy pain?

Acupressure can target key pressure points to alleviate nausea and labor and delivery pains.

Astounding facts about breast milk

Advancements in biotech have led to the development of lab-grown breast milk—but it can't quite replicate the natural source.

Breastfeeding troubles? There’s help

Low milk production and painful latching can sometimes lead to difficulties for nursing moms.

Rise of the techie toddler

You might be tempted to give your little one unfettered access to electronics—but pediatricians say that might be a mistake.

Don’t settle for pregnancy pains

A physical therapist trained in pelvic health can help moms overcome the pains and strains of growing a little person.

Having a C-section?

Moms who have come before you offer their top tips for preparation and recovery.

Steady, sleepless parent

A newborn in the house means old sleep routines are about to get uprooted.

Thoughts about C-sections

Health officials worldwide are on a mission to reduce the number of cesarean section births.