

Round around the tummy? Check your vitamin D

Belly fat and deficiencies in the sunshine vitamin are linked by research.

Postpartum ponderings

New guidelines recommend an OB/GYN visit within three weeks of delivery—with other visits as needed for three months.

Generation ‘GO’

At school districts throughout Newaygo County, Michigan, a new wellness plan teaches youngsters to commit daily to healthy eating and active living.

Sleep-deprived kids at risk

Study: Getting less sleep may equate to a 58 percent increased chance of becoming overweight or obese.

Table matters

Looking for another way to instill healthy habits in your kids? Look to the family dinner.

Cutting out late night calories

There's evidence that a shortened eating pattern could prevent obesity.

Weight loss, the tie that binds

Apples don't fall far from the tree—kids will prioritize fitness if parents set the tone.

Want to keep weight off? Eat slower.

Eating quickly has been associated with a higher risk for obesity, cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.

Losing weight eases obesity-related pain

But how many pounds is enough?

‘I know that it works’

Diabetes education can inspire a proper diet and lifestyle to pull patients back from the brink.

Tackling Alzheimer’s disease

It is never too late to lower your risk factors for dementia, but the time to start is now.

Where is the sugar hiding?

Find sweet saboteurs and learn how to keep your healthy eating on track.