

Prebiotics: First step in gut health

Combined with probiotics, they can help us fight disease and improve physical and mental health.

Navigating the yogurt aisle

Mankind has complicated this centuries-old favorite. A few practical guidelines can help you simplify your yogurt expedition.

The key to good health? A happy gut

Your microbiome is essential to keeping your body happy, healthy and functional.

Beware the microbiome killers

Fried foods, refined sugars and other highly processed items wreak havoc on gut health.

Welcome to the probiotics party

As building blocks of your microbiome, these organisms play a lead role in shaping good health.

Eat your way to a better brain

A good diet rich in these 10 foods may keep your memory and cognitive function in tip-top shape.

Curious about probiotics? Tread carefully

Supplements have their place—but steer clear of online sources touting sham benefits.

Ready to detox? Skip the gimmicks

Kick your body into detox mode, naturally, with these tips.

Build a good food mood

What determines your cognitive output? Your nutritional input.

Is a health secret hiding in your infant’s diapers?

People with diabetes, obesity, autoimmune disorders and cancers frequently have fewer short-chain fatty acids. Increasing them may be helpful for restoring a normal gut environment.

Battle your bathroom woes

Got gut problems? Fiber, water and stress management may be the best tools to improve your digestive health.

Have rheumatoid arthritis pain?

Use these foods to fight inflammation and joint stiffness.