

When alcohol makes you blush

Wine, beer and spirits can sometimes trigger an allergic reaction that results in redness and rashes.

Super-charge your protein plan

Meats and poultry are fine—but don't overlook plants as a shelf-stable, affordable option to meet your protein needs.

Add some oomph to your oats

Add nuts, herbs and berries and that bowl of so-so oatmeal will turn into an antioxidant powerhouse.

Clip calories with tiny tweaks

Swapping a handful ingredients can trim about 200 calories from these typical meals.

The burdens of bread

In an increasingly gluten-sensitive, carb-conscious world, bread is getting a tough rap—and it's not often warranted.

Who really needs to go gluten-free?

Here's what to avoid when you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

Switching to whole grain foods could trim your waistline

Put down that forkful of perfectly twirled white spaghetti, and grab a plate of whole grain pasta instead.

Want wholesome health? Go for whole grains

Unprocessed grains are packed with nutrients, taste and disease-fighting goodness.

Celiac possibly linked to birth season, region

Study finds lower risk of the digestive disorder in babies born in winter or cooler climates.

Is non-celiac gluten sensitivity real?

Study finds distinctly different biological changes than those from celiac disease, wheat allergy.