Quick tips

  • Establish a relaxing routine and follow it every night.
  • Create a comfortable sleep environment.
  • No electronics before bed.
  • No large meals within three before bedtime.
  • Don’t overheat.
  • Encourage more physical activity during the day.

Sleep apnea symptoms

  • Snoring (the most common) followed by pauses or gasping
  • Labored breathing while sleeping
  • Very restless sleep and sleeping in unusual positions
  • Daytime sleepiness or behavioral problems

If your child shows any symptoms of sleep apnea, schedule a visit with his or her pediatrician to get started. If your pediatrician feels that a sleep disorder may exist, we can help. Find a physician.

Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital has the only pediatric sleep disorders center in West Michigan. It is one of 60 pediatric-only sleep centers in the United States. Our center is accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and staffed by pediatric sleep disorders centers.