Our lives change in an instant. With one medical test, the screeching of car tires, or a stroke.

Whether it’s a diagnosis or a sudden health catastrophe, we find ourselves in an alternate reality where the battle for life itself becomes the only thing that matters.

It is in this place where we find a compassionate and skilled team dedicated to helping us fight for our futures. And where we seem to gain insight, strength and wisdom that transcends anything we’ve ever known. Sometimes there is sadness, sometimes tears of joy.

Through it all, Health Beat is there to document these incredible journeys. Together, we are connecting people to the care they need and changing lives for the better.

And you, our dear readers, chose the best of the best stories of 2017 by accompanying us on these journeys, sharing Health Beat’s stories with friends and family, and cheering on our brave mothers, fathers, daughters and sons.

We give thanks to you all for allowing us to be part of your lives. We are truly honored.

Your top 10 stories of 2017:

1. ‘Wonder’ kid gets a new jaw

2. ‘This isn’t normal’

3. ‘Your life changes in an instant’

4. The smallest survivor

5. A ‘journey to heaven’

6. On the ninth floor

7. Haunted by the heart

8. You’re one in a billion, baby boy

9. One mom, one son, two cancers

10. ‘Beauty in the battle’

Wondering what stories rounded out the top 50? Here you go:

11. Going home, with love

12. ‘God wasn’t finished telling her story’

13. ‘She has a guardian angel’

14. ‘By the grace of God’

15. ‘God allowed me to have this disease’

16. Gabe’s story

17. From ‘I survived’ to ‘I do’

18. In sickness, and in health…

19. A crowning moment for Huntington’s disease

20. ‘Hang in there, Nate’

21. ‘Every day counts’

22. ‘Our hearts and hands are truly full’

23. ‘The best prom queen ever’

24. Tiny Dancer, future rock star

25. Fighting cancer and fires

26. ‘This is the guy that saved my life and my baby’s life’

27. ‘He’s our little Superman’

28. ‘I truly had God watching over me’

29. ‘A different set of hopes and dreams’

30. New study scrutinizes birth defects

31. Breathing easy again

32. Butterflies soar for ArtPrize

33. ‘You’re one in 1,000’

34. ‘The best day in a long time’

35. ‘I have to make my days count’

36. ‘The most perfect little guy’

37. ‘Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly’

38. ‘I am a mystery’

39. More than a birthmark

40. ‘We felt like our world had fallen apart’

41. ‘How God’s plan works’

42. Three hearts beat as one

43. ‘The new Jonathan’

44. Let your light shine

45. Fighting a fistula

46. ‘His whole story has been a miracle’

47. ‘We’re grateful for the gift of life’

48. An optimistic outlook

49. Quick trip from video visit to OR

50. ‘It’s God’s gift’