Aging Well

Aging well is a lifestyle choice we all must make as our bodies grow older. We’ll help you navigate your holistic health care journey with tips, suggestions, age-specific information and health news stories that matter to you.

Patient Story

COPD: One family fights back

Sharing a common diagnosis, sisters come together to fight the encroaching disease through pulmonary rehab.

Skin cancer rates march upward

Protect yourself and your family from the deadly rays of the sun with these doctor-approved tips.

Patient Story

‘I can do anything … It’s just amazing’

Former baseball hopeful Terry Fewless gets his life back thanks to newer technology for clearing clogged arteries.

The health benefits of eating earlier

Timing is everything—boost weight loss by about 25 percent just by eating 70 percent of each day's calories between breakfast and lunch.

Oh, my aching muscles!

Explore these 5 tried-and-true tips for faster recovery.

Eyes could be the window to predicting Alzheimer’s

Plaques accumulate in the brain two decades before symptoms appear, so scientists are trying to find ways to detect the disease earlier.

Got that foggy feelin’?

Before you conclude your faulty memory is a sign of impending Alzheimer’s, consider reversible dementia as the culprit.

Maybe it’s time to get in the game

Before you join a pick-up game or sign up for a league, make sure to prepare with these simple precautions.

Have a weak grip?

It may signal future health troubles—even in kids.

Want healthy joints? Do these 10 things

Treat your hard-working body to some R&R with these helpful tips from a doctor who knows.

Patient Story

‘A tremendous relief’

A discovery of an abdominal aortic aneurysm leads an 81-year-old woman to an innovative, minimally invasive treatment.

Patient Story

‘They are a godsend’

A new on-demand nursing service in West Michigan sends an RN to your home within an hour.