
Health Beat staff

Posts from Health Beat staff

‘Tis the season … for a digestive hangover

Eat, drink and be merry—but not too much! A gastroenterologist shares 9 tips to help you get through this holiday season.

Su salud está en sus manos

Healthy Counts: Una rutina de salud con la que los niños (y sus adultos) pueden contar.

Move your way to the best you

Leave the sedentary lifestyle and stress behind you to get healthy and stay healthy.

Just the facts, mammogram

A doctor dispels 9 common breast cancer myths.

Back to school means back to sports

An athletic trainer offers her top tips to ensure student athletes avoid injuries.

How to childproof your home

Keep toxics, meds and small objects out of sight and out of reach.

¿Le entusiasma el eclipse solar?

Sera todo un espectáculo, pero asegúrese de seguir al pie de la letra estos cinco consejos para protejer sus ojos.

Jazzed about the solar eclipse?

It should be quite a show, but make sure you follow these 5 do's and don'ts to protect your eyes.

Stop the cycle of bullying

Learn the telltale signs of harassment — and what to do about it — with these 3 big questions.

Do you know the top 10 cancer warning signs?

If you want to live a longer, healthier life, catching cancer early is key. Here's how.

Are you losing it? Life stage and weight loss

Find out if it's possible to outrun the middle-age spread.

Upset tummy? Or something more serious?

Learn how to spot 7 common digestive issues with tips on what to do and when to be concerned.