
Jason Singer

Jason Singer is an award-winning journalist who has covered health care, sports, business and politics for a wide range of publications from major metropolitan newspapers to CNN. In addition to journalism, he's a smitten husband of his wife U.S. Army Spc. Susan McMillan, as well as an avid chef, travel addict, professional golf caddie and sports fanatic. He speaks Mandarin-Chinese, has so far visited 24 of America's 59 National Parks, and has a below-average singing voice despite his last name.

Posts from Jason Singer

Patient Story

‘He’s our little Superman’

Enduring six surgeries amid the most serious form of spina bifida, 16-month-old Jeremiah Nelson continues to defy the odds.

Dogs may help children’s immune systems

An outdoor pet tracks in loads of bacteria that may help children avoid allergies later in life.

Seizure-tracking devices make big strides

The newest wearable technologies are more reliable than seizure diaries — and they can notify caregivers.

Estudio: Las bebidas endulzadas encojen el cerebro

El consumo diario de múltiples bebidas endulzadas puede provocar significante perdida de la memoria—no obstante, hay maneras de mantener seguro al cerebro.

Study: Sugary drinks shrink brains

Multiple sweet beverages per day may lead to significant memory loss—but there are ways to keep your brain safe.

Study: ‘Phantom’ phone vibrations affect 9 in 10

Constantly checking your phone can heighten stress and lower productivity—especially if you're a young person.

Want to avoid osteoporosis? Eat yogurt

But some yogurts have nearly as much added sugar as soda — so be careful about your choice.

‘The silent killer’

About 1 in 50 Americans have unruptured brain aneurysms that can be deadly if they pop. How do you know when to get checked?

Patient Story

‘I can still make beautiful things’

Adult coloring has become a popular rehabilitation and meditation tool, with more than 12 million coloring books sold each year.

At the touch of a button

Patients can manage health services and visit doctors from their phones and computers.

Dating with ED?

Erectile dysfunction affects millions of men, but it's a solvable problem when communication and education are involved.

‘Miracle’ fix for hard-to-cure back pain

Spinal cord stimulators, a fast-improving technology, often provide major relief.