One call. New hope. 1.855.SHCANCER

If you have been diagnosed with cancer and would like a consultation or second opinion, call 1.855.SHCANCER (1.855.742.2623).

From Health Beat

Harmonizing Hope
Harmonizing Hope

Music therapists, with an assist from the Grand Rapids Symphony, help cancer patients reduce pain and anxiety... more »

From Health Beat

Susan LaVigne
To Yellowstone and Beyond!

Cancer warrior Susan LaVigne aimed high with her bucket list this year—as high as the thundering falls of Yellowstone National Park… more>>

Supporting the Cancer Journey

Patient support services help you through treatment, recovery and survivorship.

Nurse Navigators

We understand a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming for patients. Our nurse navigators provide guidance, encouragement and coordination so patients understand what to expect every step of the way.

Nurse navigators also:

  • Communicate with physicians on behalf of patients
  • Help schedule and coordinate tests and appointments
  • Link patients with support services
  • Explain the process and next steps

Integrative Therapies

We believe in a holistic approach to your health and wellness, and we offer access to scientifically proven integrative therapy choices. The goal is to minimize treatment side effects with strategies for pain control, symptom control and relaxation, including light-touch massage, acupuncture, music therapy, art therapy, pet therapy and supportive care services, such as our comprehensive lymphedema program.

Cancer Rehabilitation

Spectrum Health provides patients with coordinated cancer rehabilitation focused on improving the quality of life for cancer survivors. Our comprehensive program offers important physical and psychological rehabilitation to survivors, so they can recover more quickly and completely than they would otherwise. We serve all survivors in need, whether they are beginning treatment, finished with treatment or experiencing unresolved issues from prior treatment.

Social Workers

Patients have access to a social worker who is trained to identify and assist with psychosocial needs, such as transportation for care, financial issues and emotional support.

Emotional and Spiritual Support

From pastoral care to psychiatry to support groups, we offer assistance to individuals dealing with emotional issues on the road to recovery. For example, our Supportive Care Medicine Clinic, led by a psychiatrist, provides support to adult cancer patients and family members as they cope with the life changes that often accompany a cancer diagnosis.

Spectrum Health Hospice and Palliative Care

Our goal is to provide care centered on comfort and compassion. Palliative care helps our cancer patients manage their symptoms and pain. If a cure is no longer possible, we offer choices so patients have control of their comfort, dignity and life.