Diet & Nutrition

Unhealthy eating habits can affect anyone, especially busy families often “running on empty.” Get tips and practical advice on nutrition and weight management to help you improve your efforts with ease.

Patient Story

A new kind of beat

Joint pain and weight problems kept Kim Metzger sedentary for years. She found a new groove with cardio-drumming—and later, bariatric surgery.

Ready for a breakfast tweak?

A few simple alterations to your morning sandwich can keep your calories in check.

7 ways to conquer stress cravings

When life gets hectic, use these save-the-hips tips for avoiding temptation.

First-rate skin protectant: Vitamin A

A diet high in certain foods helps keep skin cells healthy, which researchers suspect may ward off squamous cell skin cancer.

Battling inflammation? Opt for natural fatty acids

In the realm of omega-3, fish and plant-based foods are likely to outperform supplements.

Manage your morning brew

Coffee has its upsides, but there are boundaries to set. Beyond four cups a day, you're approaching trouble.

Time to get serious about celery

Make it your go-to option when punching up the crunch in tired old dishes.

Got a pooch with a sweet tooth?

Hold off on giving your four-legged friend another bite of something sweet until you check the label—artificial sweeteners could lead to trouble.

Final word on fats: Opt for fish, nuts, plant oils

As you strive to make smart meal choices, it's essential to know the healthy fat sources from the unhealthy.

Fuel your fitness with whole foods

On the hunt for something to boost energy, build muscle or increase your athletic performance? You can't go wrong with natural foods.

Manage your caffeine craze

For those battling anxiety, that cup of morning happiness may not be so harmless.

Whip up a peach-perfect meal

Summer plums and peaches are just fine on their own—but don't shy away from creative meals centered on these ingredients.