Diet & Nutrition

Unhealthy eating habits can affect anyone, especially busy families often “running on empty.” Get tips and practical advice on nutrition and weight management to help you improve your efforts with ease.

‘Never quit quitting’

At age 40, Jeff VanderVeen's health troubles prompted him to take action—he kicked the habit and hit the slopes.

Whip up heart-smart comfort foods

Those scrumptious Southern dishes don't have to be deep-fried and battered. A few tweaks can turn 'em healthy—and keep 'em tasty.

The bountiful benefits of berries

A dietitian serves up 10 reasons to make these superfoods a staple of meals, snacks and smoothies.

More of this, less of that

Want to toughen your ticker? The food choices you make today can promote a healthier heart tomorrow.

Game day? Think ‘health forward’

A culinary medicine expert offers some handy tips to keep your snacks from running afoul.

Patient Story

‘Worth it in the end’

After adopting a healthier lifestyle, a 50-year-old Michigan man sheds pounds—and much of his medication.

Is that processed?

A dietitian offers tips for eliminating problematic foods and replacing them with whole, natural foods.

Top 10 foods you’ve never eaten

These healthy fruits, veggies and more are rich in flavor and loaded with nutrition.

Navigate the grocery store like a pro

These tips and tools can help you keep healthy choices top of mind.

Gut health gets real

People are becoming more comfortable talking about bathroom basics. Turns out, that's good for our health.

A whole lot of goodness

Natural, plant-based foods can lower your intake of sugar, salt and unhealthy fats—and ultimately strengthen your fight against chronic disease.

9 ways to stick with New Year’s resolutions

Harness the power of psychology today to realize your goals tomorrow.