

The rigors of age

As America's over-65 population grows, so too does the number of falls and deaths—and the associated costs, according to a CDC study.

1 in 4 older Americans don’t exercise

That means about 31 million people over age 50 are increasing their risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Super-ager brains stay young

Study: Mentally sharp older folks have brains that don't shrink in key regions, unlike the brains of people with memory loss.

Happy heart, happy brain?

Study found seniors who met heart-healthy goals had sharper thinking skills.

Surviving spouse still influenced by the other

Quality of life remains the same even after one partner dies.

Unlock the mysteries of Alzheimer’s disease

Tap into the key things caregivers must know.

Ibuprofen, the Fountain of Youth?

Only if you’re a worm, a fly or a strand of yeast. But researchers do hope to learn more about drug’s effect on human longevity.

Aging with grace

Older Americans are prepared for aging, but show concern for physical and mental challenges.

Do some people age faster than others?

Yes! In fact, at 38, the biology of some adults is 20 years older.

Face scans show how fast a person is aging

Images are more reliable than blood tests in determining the toll of time.

‘Superagers’ seem to have ‘younger’ brains

Their sharp memories at 80 and beyond may provide clues for treating dementia.