

Alzheimer’s deaths jump 55 percent

CDC reports more patients are dying at home, with the caregiving burden falling on loved ones.

FDA throws cold water on whole body cryotherapy

Exposure to ultra-low temperatures shows no benefits and may be dangerous.

Hypertension may lead to dementia

Controlling blood pressure during midlife likely reduces the risk of memory issues in later life.

Super-ager brains stay young

Study: Mentally sharp older folks have brains that don't shrink in key regions, unlike the brains of people with memory loss.

Computer tests predicting dementia risk?

This technology is right on the horizon for those younger than 80.

Researchers find genes linked to alzheimer’s timing

Some genes sped up the disease, while others delayed it.

What’s good for the heart is also good for the brain

Study finds risk of dementia may drop with each generation as heart health and healthy lifestyles improve.

Exercise, games, puzzles don’t prevent signs of Alzheimer’s

Mental and physical activity may keep your mind healthy in other ways.

Attacking Alzheimer’s

One family's journey with dementia illustrates how research breakthroughs, partnerships may clear path for better understanding, treatment of this elusive and incurable disease.

A sense of purpose may benefit your brain

Seniors with a positive mental state are less likely to have cerebral tissue damage.

For safety’s sake: A star player quits pro football

Health risks posed by America's favorite sport are thrown back into the spotlight.

Signs of Alzheimer’s spotted in young adults

Another clue that could help unravel the mystery behind this devistating disease.