

Marriage—the smart person’s move?

Wedded bliss engenders a healthier lifestyle and social stimulation, both of which may benefit brain health.

Stronger workout, stronger memory

At greater intensity, exercise leads to better memory and more protein involved in the growth, function and survival of brain cells.

The home stretch

Hiccups, kicks, wiggles and ... eating vernix? Your baby is up to all sorts of things in the final trimester.

Watch your miracle grow

The little person inside your womb will make tremendous growth strides throughout the first trimester.

‘The silent killer’

About 1 in 50 Americans have unruptured brain aneurysms that can be deadly if they pop. How do you know when to get checked?

Want wholesome health? Go for whole grains

Unprocessed grains are packed with nutrients, taste and disease-fighting goodness.

Vitamin E, selenium won’t curb dementia risk

Brain expert says it's unlikely that any one nutrient would be a 'silver bullet.'

The brain can produce its own sugar

Researchers discovered the brain makes fructose, which is linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Troubling trend in senior prescriptions

In patients 65 and older, use of opioids, antidepressants, tranquilizers and antipsychotics more than doubled from 2004 to 2013.

In labor, use BRAIN

This handy concept offers a great reference for moms as they weigh the risks and rewards of labor choices.

The Tetris test

Researchers study how playing video games can lead to brain evolution.

Want to stay smart? Volunteer

People who are socially engaged and civically minded may possess sharper minds as they age.