

Flu may be spread by just breathing

When someone is coming down with influenza, they should take care of themselves and stay at home, if possible.

Cozy up to the fire—carefully

A warm fireplace is a welcome invitation to friends and family amid a blustery winter, but you should never lose sight of safety.

Breathe easier, ladies

New study indicates women have the aerobic edge during exercise because they process oxygen more efficiently than men.

The secret to sweet slumber

Cracking the door or window in your bedroom can improve ventilation, which can lower the carbon dioxide level.

Study suggests: Bad air, bad kidneys

Years-long look at military veterans finds link between air pollution and kidney damage, with tens of thousands of new cases every year.

‘Off-roading’ threat may lurk in the air

Riders beware of toxic exposures, not just injuries.

Even a little more activity could save millions of lives

Think of walking to work or cleaning as low-cost preventive medicine.

Smoking bans help kids breathe easier

Anti-smoking policies are linked to drop in childhood chest infections and asthma attacks.

Patient Story

‘Smoking isn’t worth it’

Tobacco cessation class helps a hospice nurse kick cigarettes for good after 35 years.

Meditation’s soothing effects

Consider 3 easy ways to explore this mind-body technique.

Moms, dads and doulas

Today's mom has all sorts of options for labor and delivery, but one thing that never changes is the need for strong support.

Adult asthma over-diagnosed?

Canadian study finds many patients were told they had asthma based on symptoms and doctor's evaluation—but not on objective testing.