

Become a label ninja

The improved Nutrition Facts label makes it easier to sort healthy items from unhealthy—but you have to know what to look for.

Patient Story

‘It just kind of hit me’

With help from a registered dietitian, Steve Chappell dropped from 222 pounds to 175 pounds—and he plans on staying there.

5 ways to start a nutritious revolution

Avoid the word 'diet' and adopt healthier (and yummier) strategies to achieve your goals.

The trouble with salt

Too much sodium reduces thirst, which causes overeating, weight gain and a variety of ailments.

Heed the sneaky calories

Taste-testing your culinary creations? Dipping into the office candy stash? Those tiny tidbits can add up to big trouble.

Don’t fall for that fad diet

It’s hard to resist the hype of a quick weight-loss diet. But the promises don’t add up to long-term success.

Clip calories with tiny tweaks

Swapping a handful ingredients can trim about 200 calories from these typical meals.

Noodle your veggies

Turn carrots, zucchini and other low-calorie, high-fiber garden treats into the perfect pasta dishes.

More breakfast, less TV

If it's a healthy heart you're after, cut out the screen time and make your morning a priority.

Become a master tracker

Calories aren’t the only thing you can count to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Counting calories? Re-think that drink

When you populate your day with iced coffees, sweet teas and other flavored beverages, you're cramming hundreds of additional calories into your diet.

Count your crunch

A bite tally for each meal might sound tedious, but it's likely less work than counting calories—and it helps avoid mindless eating.