
cardiovascular health

Study: Tighten blood pressure standards

Adults at greater risk of heart disease would benefit from lower systolic readings.

Skipping meds greatly ups heart patients’ risk of stroke

Fatal strokes seven times more likely if drugs to control blood pressure, cholesterol aren't taken as prescribed.

Patient Story

Robotic heart caths ‘simpler than … Xbox’

A robotic system used to deliver stents to blocked arteries benefits patients and cardiologists.

A message from below

Erectile dysfunction may be your body's first sign of impending heart problems.

Mortal combat

Genetics ensure women live longer, but men can narrow the gap.

Too few heart patients get cardiac rehab

Study: Some patients may not understand the significance of this step on the road to recovery.

What’s good for the heart is also good for the brain

Study finds risk of dementia may drop with each generation as heart health and healthy lifestyles improve.

Patient Story

Heart surgery at just 6 days old

Norah Mae Boss now has beautiful pink fingers and toes. Find out what this has meant for her and her parents.