
childbirth world

New baby, new traditions

If you've got a little one on the way, the holidays are the perfect time to think about creating new traditions—and reintroducing old ones.

The extra organ

Amid the many wonders of pregnancy, the placenta plays a uniquely indispensable role in the health of mom and baby.

6 positions for labor

Gravity and birth balls go a long way in shortening a tough process.

The home stretch

Hiccups, kicks, wiggles and ... eating vernix? Your baby is up to all sorts of things in the final trimester.

The cutest cantaloupe

Your little bundle will undergo monumental changes in the second trimester—and if all goes well, you'll be feeling on top of the world.

Watch your miracle grow

The little person inside your womb will make tremendous growth strides throughout the first trimester.

Through the eyes of an OB doctor

Dr. Bayne tells us about her experiences helping deliver babies and keeping women healthy.

Girl or boy—when can I know?

A lot of people assume that the ultrasound at 18-20 weeks is to reveal the sex of the baby. Not exactly.

Leave this four-letter word out of childbirth

Relax ... there's nothing to fear but fear itself.