
children’s health

Could your dog unleash a flu pandemic?

Researchers find that viruses can jump from pigs to dogs, and that influenza is becoming increasingly diverse in dogs. This spells trouble for humans.

Kids with asthma need a flu shot

Children with influenza have a 37 percent higher chance of not responding to their breathing treatments.

Shield your kids from the sun’s damaging rays

Melanoma is the most common type of skin cancer in younger patients and affects mostly teenagers.

Sleep-deprived kids at risk

Study: Getting less sleep may equate to a 58 percent increased chance of becoming overweight or obese.

Jumping and jamming

Kids compete, keeping health top of mind.

Table matters

Looking for another way to instill healthy habits in your kids? Look to the family dinner.

What to do if your child has chickenpox

This highly contagious condition can make your little one miserable. Here's how to cope.

In kids with MS, diet has outsized role

Saturated fats from certain foods can cause inflammation that leads to a relapse of MS in younger patients, new research shows.

Study: Tenfold growth in childhood obesity

Even as that crisis looms in countries across the globe, South Asia and others face the unique problem of underweight youth.

Joining your kid on the playground slide? Think again

It seems like fun but can be a quick trip to a broken limb.

Golf carts’ use is spreading, and so is danger to kids

Study of more than 100 kids treated at trauma centers reveals serious injuries.

Smoking bans help kids breathe easier

Anti-smoking policies are linked to drop in childhood chest infections and asthma attacks.