

Do more for your core

Variations of the plank, bird dog and leg extension can strengthen your body—minus the anguish and agony.

Behold the weekend warrior

Busy lifestyles force many to cram their fitness into the weekend—and it's much better than no exercise at all, researchers say.

Little steps, large gains

Even a modest increase in fitness level can improve longevity and quality of life.

Life in the fast lane

The speed of your strength-training workout is a strong indicator of your overall health—and could hint at your possible lifespan.

The long game

Weight-loss surgery is a game changer for many, but diet and lifestyle are the major factors in long-term success.

Push-up target: 40 at 40

Long-running study finds men who can meet this key metric often enjoy better heart health.

The fitter ticker

Modest increases in physical fitness can improve overall health, ultimately paying off with a healthier heart.

3 steps to flexibility

Stretching and range-of-motion exercises are often overlooked as people focus on strength-training and cardio.

In fitness, there’s virtue to variety

Cross-training, which mixes various exercises, can help reduce injury and deliver maximum results in weight loss and strength-building.

Boost your workout—head outdoors

A natural environment is healthier and it can up the physical challenge with uneven terrain and changing surfaces.

Endurance race takes on barriers to health, recreation

More than 150 fitness fans—one-third from Gerber Memorial—lift logs, hike muddy hills and push physical limits to highlight wellness.

Excessive sports training hurts kids

Parents should set limits to help prevent injuries.