

Women: Ignore these 10 symptoms at your own risk

Who knew switching to stretchy pants or having a tight shoe could signal serious health problems? Don’t assume these issues will go away.

TV binge-watching may leave you like ‘The Walking Dead’

Study suggests multi-episode viewers end up sleepless and fatigued.

Compression tights won’t trim running times

While they keep muscles from vibrating, fatigue still sets in.

Second form of chronic fatigue?

Scientists discover biological markers that indicate presence of an 'atypical' chronic fatigue syndrome in some patients.

Why sleep eludes some women

Here's a hint: It's not what you think it is.

Daytime sleepiness, long naps linked to heart risks

People who nap more than one hour a day are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

Clues to ‘brain fog’ found in spinal fluid

Evidence reveals that classic symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome is 'not made up,' researchers noted.

Make ‘springing forward’ easier on your mind and body

Doctor offers tips to stop residual daylight saving time sleepiness in its tracks.

U.S. teens get less sleep than ever

Researchers find more adolescents today are short on shut-eye than in the 1990s. Early morning school bells and electronics may be to blame.