

5 ways to get ski-ready

Strengthening your core and leg muscles can help improve maneuverability and posture.

Core-strengthening goals? Have a ball

Put your abdominal muscles into overdrive by pairing a stability ball with some common floor exercises.

Stay active with these 5 must-do moves

Conquer achy joints, slower metabolisms and decreased muscle strength by using movement to your advantage.

Fundamentals to sure footing: Strength, flexibility

Exercises that target legs and ankles will help guard against falls from age 40 and beyond.

Want agility? Get on the ball

Balance and coordination exercises can be simple, at-home activities—and a bit of fun to boot.

3 steps to flexibility

Stretching and range-of-motion exercises are often overlooked as people focus on strength-training and cardio.

Working workouts into your life

Make exercise convenient for best success.

A handy word for labor and delivery

There's a lot to know as you prepare, but one word in particular stands out against the rest: Flexibility.

From couch potato to athlete, ouch-free

Sports medicine experts advise weekend warriors how to have fun and reduce risk of injury.