

Patient Story

Superheroes arrive in style

A quartet of caped crusaders rappel down the side of the children's hospital to kick off the Halloween party.

Candy ‘yes,’ high blood sugar ‘no’

Enjoy these 3 top tips for how to treat yourself to Halloween without the sugar hangover.

Patient Story

A super Halloween for super kids

Princesses, fairies, superheroes and assorted friendly creatures mingled with young patients at the annual children's hospital party.

8 tips to avoid skin irritations this Halloween

Consider these makeup and mask pointers from a pediatric dermatologist to keep your kids in the clear.

Make it an all-treats, no-tricks Halloween

This season brings excitement and fun, but make sure your little and not-so-little ones stay safe.

Making Halloween a treat for kids with diabetes

Start by setting the same rules for everyone in the family.

Patient Story

Not all heroes wear capes

But, when they do, they scale down the side of the children's hospital.

6 tips for an allergy-free Halloween

When parents are prepared, youngsters with food allergies or asthma can enjoy trick-or-treating, too.

Patient Story

Fairy Godmother and entourage treat kids

'Just seeing the reaction on the kids’ faces makes it all worthwhile.'

Caped crusaders captivate kids

Superheroes rappel off the side of Helen DeVos Children's Hospital, coaxing smiles and cheer from the patients within.