

How to avoid ‘inflamm-aging’

Take the inflammation and aging process off the fast track by making smarter choices about lifestyle, diet and mental health.

Ready to heat up your routine?

Hot yoga and hula are an big leap beyond the mundane—and they might even deliver some novel benefits.

A top cardio plan: Get a canine

Compared to folks without pets, dog owners are ahead of the pack in healthy living—more exercise, better diets and lower blood sugar levels.

Two ingredients to longevity

Researchers have boiled it down to a simple solution: Sit less, move more.

4 keys to quality living

Learn to improve your resiliency in the face of adversity—and improve your focus on the here and now.

Ready for your cardiorespiratory test?

There's plenty of focus on blood pressure and cholesterol, but consider evaluating the efficiency of your cardiorespiratory system.

Out with the old

Frayed toothbrushes, worn pillows and aging contact lenses are among must-replace items if you value health and hygiene.

Escape the summer hot flash

Understand why your body is undergoing this process and you'll soon be a step closer to squelching that unwelcome heat.

Guys struggle with body image, too

About 40% of men say they've been discriminated against or stereotyped because of their size.

Fuel your fitness with whole foods

On the hunt for something to boost energy, build muscle or increase your athletic performance? You can't go wrong with natural foods.

Manage your caffeine craze

For those battling anxiety, that cup of morning happiness may not be so harmless.

To reach old age, go new age

Meditation and other mainstays of holistic living lower stress, which can ward off disease and improve the likelihood of a long and healthy life.