
healthy habits

Patient Story

Focus on these 5 healthy habits

Start wherever you are and build from there to make small steps toward a better future.

Candy ‘yes,’ high blood sugar ‘no’

Enjoy these 3 top tips for how to treat yourself to Halloween without the sugar hangover.

3 ways to tame food temptations

Having to constantly resist temptation can be exhausting and quickly uses your limited source of willpower.

5 telltale kid coughs

The sound of your child's cough could help you determine if it's something simple—or something more.

Go vegetarian the easy way

A savvy dietitian offers 6 tips for revamping your victuals.

Hold the salt and cut back on sodium

A small portion of your sodium intake comes from eating at home. The worst culprit? Highly processed and packaged food.

Want fit kids? Set the pace

Amid the march of all things technological, parents can take smart steps to ensure their children stay active and healthy.

Where is the sugar hiding?

Find sweet saboteurs and learn how to keep your healthy eating on track.

Demystify your child’s BMI

Become better informed now to help your child develop nutrition and activity habits that promote healthy weight gain over the coming years.

The scales of (in)justice?

While men are predisposed to lose weight faster and easier, women can still see formidable results with the right lifestyle.

Own your future

Every strong plan starts with a goal. Begin today to be the person you want to be tomorrow.

Quick fix or long-term fix?

When it comes to an orthopedic injury, shortcuts don't cut it. Find out from a physical therapist what it takes to really recover.