

Patient Story

‘The best thing ever’

After struggling for years to tackle basic tasks, this Michigan woman is back to hiking, golfing and water sports—all thanks to joint replacement surgery.

Patient Story

‘A night-and-day difference’

A total knee replacement surgery has kept this avid Michigan hunter on the move.

Patient Story

Joined at the hip—and knees

For one Michigan clan, joint replacement has been a family affair overseen by longtime doctors and the family's nurse.

Patient Story

‘I need a miracle team’

Football referee battles back from a critical knee injury.

Knee pain, go away

Arthritis patients may get short-term results with steroids, but long-term success with a different kind of shot.

Don’t delay joint replacement

If you think you're too young, think again—quality of life diminishes for those who wait too long to replace a bad joint.

Why is my knee still swollen 8 weeks after surgery?

This question is asked by many patients and may be applied to many joints such as ankles, hands, and elbows for the weeks following the initial injury or surgical intervention.