
physical activity

The cost of aging: Slower fat burn

As the years pass, it becomes more difficult for your body to remove fat from cells.

Ready to heat up your routine?

Hot yoga and hula are an big leap beyond the mundane—and they might even deliver some novel benefits.

Want a fitter ticker? Drop the clicker

There's a direct link between a healthy heart and less TV time.

Do more for your core

Variations of the plank, bird dog and leg extension can strengthen your body—minus the anguish and agony.

Two ingredients to longevity

Researchers have boiled it down to a simple solution: Sit less, move more.

Study: Active body shapes agile mind

An active lifestyle is a surefire way to help maintain a clear, healthy mind well into your later years.

A growing group: Active Americans

Study finds sizable jump in number of U.S. residents, rural and urban alike, who are ditching couch time in favor of fitness.

The best medicine? Fresh air

Those who spend at least two hours a week outdoors often report better health and a greater sense of well-being.

Sports—a boot camp for life skills?

Children who engage in organized team sports often display better socio-emotional skills in later years.

Want smart kids? Give ’em sports

An hour of moderate-to-vigorous activity each day releases a protein beneficial to the development of young minds.

Behold the weekend warrior

Busy lifestyles force many to cram their fitness into the weekend—and it's much better than no exercise at all, researchers say.

Master the brain, build the body

Want better results with health goals? Pin down the mental processes that put you in a fitness-minded mood.