

Brighten up your gray matter

Follow these tips to breathe new life into your outlook on exercise—and reap the benefits.

Got a power word for 2021?

Build an inner dialogue that imbues your life with strength, confidence and grace.

Time to wrangle your worries?

When reality paints a grim picture, try these 5 psych tricks to re-color your canvas.

8 ways to keep your sanity this season

A psychotherapist shares tips for how to bring the joy back to holiday gatherings.

Want happiness? Spread kindness

Your kindergarten teacher had it right—if you want to bring cheer and goodness into your life, you should first deliver the joy to others.

Happier is healthier

Enjoy life—you'll reduce your stress and live longer.

Real power in positive thinking

Study finds that people who expect good things may actually lower their risk of disease.