

The power of a pack

If your enthusiasm for fitness is waning, a walking group could bring new energy—and accountability.

Youthful mind, youthful heart

Let go of the past and embrace the future by chasing new adventures and new friendships. Your mind and body will reap the dividends in years.

The cost of connectivity?

Medical researchers have found that heavy users of social media have significantly higher odds of depression.

Feeling glum? Brighten up with movies

Researchers are finding that cultural engagement may help people tamp down depression as they age.

Study: 3 in 4 struggle with loneliness

It even afflicts those who aren't necessarily considered high risk for emotional problems—and it's particularly pernicious in the late 20s, mid-50s and 80s.

Choose Pikachu, but don’t let the game choose you

Go ahead, get addicted to Pokémon Go. I admit it, I am.