

Build a cholesterol-busting diet

DNA will always have a say, but don't underestimate the healing power of healthy food.

Patient Story

Focus on these 5 healthy habits

Start wherever you are and build from there to make small steps toward a better future.

The spring trifecta

Asparagus, watercress and peas are the mainstays of early spring yields—and they deliver a heap of vitamins and minerals lost to winter.

The pecking order to plants

Over time, consumption of high-quality, plant-based foods can lower the risk of death—as long as you also steer clear of animal-based meats and unhealthy treats.

Sharpen your metabolic insight

What you did at age 25 won't work at 40, or 65. The biggest trick: Know when to say when at the table.

Become a master tracker

Calories aren’t the only thing you can count to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.

The first step in every recipe

Hand-washing and safe food handling are hallmarks of a conscientious cook who knows what's at stake in a bacteria-laden world.

Old dishes, clever fixes

Be it carrots, kale or fish, sometimes the quick and simple approaches are best for kid-friendly creations.

Exercise isn’t an excuse to pig-out

Working out doesn't go as far as you might think. Be ever mindful of quantity and quality.

Count your crunch

A bite tally for each meal might sound tedious, but it's likely less work than counting calories—and it helps avoid mindless eating.

Study: Change palate, save planet

Years-long food sustainability research determines humanity must cut down on meat consumption and adopt a mostly plant-based diet to keep from depleting resources.

Lighten your load

Gaining a deeper understanding of your glycemic index can help you refine your diet for maximum benefit.