

Noodle your veggies

Turn carrots, zucchini and other low-calorie, high-fiber garden treats into the perfect pasta dishes.

Meat matters

Want to trim down on saturated fat, but still gain protein and nutrients? Develop an eye for leaner cuts and grass-fed varieties.

The shadowy side of sunshine

Excessive doses of vitamin D can lead to high levels of calcium in the blood, which can trigger kidney damage.

Strawberries—the guilt-free treat

Sweeten your spring and early summer with a pair of recipes based on nature's natural sweetener.

Got broccoli and berries? Turn down the heat

Don't cook the goodness out of antioxidant-rich foods—they're more apt to maintain their powerful qualities when prepared gently.

Start your day the green way

With the right ingredients, a well-made smoothie can provide your body all the fuel it needs to tackle whatever comes your way.

Old dishes, clever fixes

Be it carrots, kale or fish, sometimes the quick and simple approaches are best for kid-friendly creations.

Diversify your diet

Purple cauliflower, radicchio, jicama, bok choy, karela—there's no shortage of fun in the pursuit of new tastes and textures.

Secrets of the soup

There's plenty of sound science behind the notion that chicken soup soothes the soul.

Build a good food mood

What determines your cognitive output? Your nutritional input.

What to know about vitamin D and bone health

Study: The sunshine vitamin might not prevent fractures or improve bone density in older adults, but the supplement does have its benefits.

Vary your victuals 

An assortment of healthy foods—and a little wiggle room for the occasional piece of chocolate cake—might keep your diet on track.