

Master the brain, build the body

Want better results with health goals? Pin down the mental processes that put you in a fitness-minded mood.

Let age be your sage

A workout for a 20-something isn't apt to work for a Boomer. Choose a fitness plan that suits your age and lifestyle.

More than a fancy handstand

Yoga practitioners have long touted their craft as a path to optimal health for mind and body. Now researchers agree—there's a curious power to the downward dog.

Is your GI tract on track?

Complementary and alternative therapies may help common digestive ailments.

Want agility? Get on the ball

Balance and coordination exercises can be simple, at-home activities—and a bit of fun to boot.

4 moves to bolster your back

These key exercises can help you zero in on the critical muscle groups needed to enhance overall back strength.

Stuck on cubicle mode? Walk it off

A sedentary lifestyle—including long stretches of sitting at work—is one of the surest routes to health trouble.

Adding form to fitness

Slow, methodical ballet moves are fast becoming a popular new approach to physical activity.

Researchers: Mind your spine

Yoga, cognitive behavioral therapy and various meditative practices could help back pain sufferers find relief.

Just breathe

There's no question about it: Breathing techniques play a leading role on the labor stage.

Working workouts into your life

Make exercise convenient for best success.

Non-drug migraine treatments often ignored

Cognitive behavioral therapy, stress management, relaxation techniques and biofeedback may reduce symptoms by 50 percent.