
March 2015

Top 3 stats that’ll have you buckling in your buckaroo

We share the facts of car seat and booster safety that you need to know.

Varicose veins, unraveled

More than half of all women—and nearly half of men—suffer from varicose veins and spider veins. Here's what you need to know.

Preventive surgeries and the “Jolie Effect”

Our experts share their take on preventive surgeries like those celebrity Angelina Jolie recently underwent.

Want to lose weight? Sleep on it

How well you sleep—and when you wake up—can lead to lower body fat and overall weight loss.

Chocolate could get even healthier

Study finds processing change results in cocoa beans with more antioxidants, better flavor.

Patient Story

Heart treatment in utero saves baby Masen

'When you’re sitting there, you’re hopeless, but those doctors—they want to do everything they can to make sure that your child gets the chance they deserve. We’re very lucky.'

Exercise cuts injuries from falls in older women

Keeping strong and flexible may help prevent injury if a tumble occurs.

Pay attention to prehypertension

High blood pressure is easier to avoid if caught in the early stages.

Barefoot running craze could spell trouble

Those 30 or older should proceed with caution.

Patient Story

Mom, babies enjoy quiet time

"Do not disturb" game plan gives moms and babies time out to bond.

Deep brain stimulation may ease Parkinson’s pain

Severity of pain may be decreased for years, but new aches may develop for many.

Daily aspirin? Let’s talk

Doctors, FDA say preventive use of aspirin isn't for everyone.