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New medication lowers ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol

A heart doctor who knows says the sky may be the limit for these pills as they hold fewer side effects for patients.

‘V’ is for vaccine. And victory.

Recent poll shows more Americans give vaccines a thumbs up, but younger generations still resist the facts.

El secreto para permanecer delgada puede estar tan cerca como su frutero

Las mujeres que mantienen frutas y verduras en su cocina pesan hasta 13 libras menos que las que no lo hacen.

Los beneficios para el cerebro de las personas mayores que empiezan a hacer ejercicio

Además de mejoras en la salud cardiaca y pulmonar, el estudio detectó crecimiento en la corteza cerebral.

Many Americans unaware of this year’s heavy tick season

But most understand the dangers of being bitten by the disease-carrying parasites.

‘Hot’ yoga is no better for your heart

Study shows room temperature doesn't seem to make much of a difference.

No talking while behind the wheel?

Drivers who talk are less safe than those who stay quiet.