Women's Health

A woman’s life stages can arrive with profound physical and emotional changes. We’ll take you through every stage, offering advice, expertise and understanding.

The cost of aging: Slower fat burn

As the years pass, it becomes more difficult for your body to remove fat from cells.

Patient Story

‘I’m so grateful’

It felt like the flu, but turned into something much more serious. A new mother gets fast care—for her and for her baby.

Breastfeeding’s great for baby—and mom, too

You've long known about the multitude of ways babies can benefit from breastfeeding. But did you know about the unique ways it might help moms?

Ready to heat up your routine?

Hot yoga and hula are an big leap beyond the mundane—and they might even deliver some novel benefits.

Patient Story

‘Time to get this taken care of’

A prolapsed organ led a 68-year-old retiree to choose surgery. The outcome: She'll be back on the ski slopes this winter.

Pregnant moms gain benefits from exercise

Study: Mamas-to-be who commit to strength training enjoy more energy and experience less fatigue.

Ready to detox? Skip the gimmicks

Kick your body into detox mode, naturally, with these tips.

6 tips for stylish (and healthy) heels

A doctor shares her suggestions for how to protect your feet while still kicking up the fashion.

Tracking your Flo?

Period and fertility apps are becoming mainstream as women seek to take control of their reproductive health.

Stressed? Beware the scale

You can't change your body's biological response to stressors, but you can change your behaviors.

Two ingredients to longevity

Researchers have boiled it down to a simple solution: Sit less, move more.

Ocean scourge: Flesh-eating bacteria

Learn how to avoid this ever-increasing threat.