Diet & Nutrition

Unhealthy eating habits can affect anyone, especially busy families often “running on empty.” Get tips and practical advice on nutrition and weight management to help you improve your efforts with ease.

Savor the flavors of fall

Creative twists on pumpkins and produce will add a touch of pizzaz—and plenty of nutrition—to seasonal snacks.

Tips for a happy, healthy Halloween

You don't have to shun candy and treats in the season of sweets. A few simple tricks can keep you on track.

A dietitian’s guide to eating out

Follow these 5 tips for a healthy trip to your favorite restaurant.

Patient Story

‘More courage than anybody’

After an innovative surgery to expand his jaw, Nate Briskey says he wouldn't change a thing.

The secret to healthy holidays? Plan ahead

With the season of merry-making just around the corner, don't fret—just follow these top tips to keep your health in check.

Expert tips for wrangling cholesterol

While there’s no silver bullet to achieve lower levels, experts suggest a focus on lifestyle.

The power of pumpkin

This orange winter squash packs a lot of nutrition—and flavor—to a wide range of dishes.

Powdered supplement? Be cautious

There’s no proven benefit to dry scooping—so don't try it, doctors say.

Enjoy a bounty of farm market goodness

Fresh vegetables and fruits are a must for nearly every diet.

An apple a day…

This popular fruit delivers nutrients that boost your immune system, aid weight loss and improve the health of your brain and heart.

The superfoods of fall

Autumn will soon arrive, bringing with it the bounty of the harvest season.

Top 10 cholesterol-busters

Simple, subtle changes to your diet could help protect you from heart disease and stroke.