
healthy living

Yoga may help ease depression

It's not a cure-all but has great potential, leader of an American Psychological Association panel says.

Americans buying less salt-laden foods

Still, study found they eat too much sodium for their own good.

Mid-life exercise could jog your memory

A combination of aerobic and resistance training is best for boosting brain health.

Walk your way to better brain health?

Impact of the foot provides a boost to blood flow.

When oxygen runs low, the naked mole-rat finds a way

These unique mammals may teach humans tricks to lessen effects of stroke, heart attack.

Want a longer life? Try biking to work

Pedal pushers saw their risk for heart disease, cancer and early death cut by almost half in five-year study.

Does lack of exercise invite dementia?

Being sedentary may make you as vulnerable as those whose genes put them at risk for Alzheimer's.

Commit to be fit in your middle age

It's never too late to ward off stroke with some good old-fashioned exercise.

Patient Story

A new approach to youth weight loss

An expert team helps youngsters reach ideal weight through positivity and pragmatism—and a fresh outlook on diet and exercise.

U.S. curbs chronic illness deaths

Prevention is key to continued progress in fighting cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

‘Sunshine vitamin’ lowers MS risk

We've long known vitamin D can calm the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Evidence shows it may help prevent it, too.

Ow, my side hurts!

Ever felt that achy or stabbing pain in your side during pregnancy? It may be round ligament pain.