

Headed outdoors? Lather ’round the lashes

If you're gearing up for a day in the sun, don't forget to moisturize your face—especially those areas around your eyes.

Mind your aging eyes

Diet, exercise and environmental factors can all influence progression of age-related macular degeneration.

¿Le entusiasma el eclipse solar?

Sera todo un espectáculo, pero asegúrese de seguir al pie de la letra estos cinco consejos para protejer sus ojos.

Jazzed about the solar eclipse?

It should be quite a show, but make sure you follow these 5 do's and don'ts to protect your eyes.

Laser pointers damaging kids’ eyes

Although uncommon, vision impairment from these devices can be permanent.

Avoid eye surgery by controlling diabetes

Intensive therapy cuts risk of needing a procedure in half, researchers report.