
strength training

A tiptop bottom

Squats and other mainstays will get your backside looking great, but there are plenty of ways to vary your glutes workout.

The advantage to intensity

All levels of fitness are valuable, but higher-intensity workouts will inevitably lead to superior physical condition.

Patient Story

Back in the race

Ted Droski suffered the loss of a leg in a sudden car crash. He has since become a shining example of how the human spirit can emerge from adversity stronger than ever.

Push-up target: 40 at 40

Long-running study finds men who can meet this key metric often enjoy better heart health.

The directive on deltoids

A slipshod workout routine can easily strain the front deltoid muscle. Learn to stave off injury with carefully targeted exercises that work all parts of the shoulder.

Patient Story

Upping the game

A new strength and conditioning program aims to help young athletes fine-tune their agility and safety in the pursuit of peak performance.

3 steps to flexibility

Stretching and range-of-motion exercises are often overlooked as people focus on strength-training and cardio.

In fitness, there’s virtue to variety

Cross-training, which mixes various exercises, can help reduce injury and deliver maximum results in weight loss and strength-building.

5 strength-training mistakes to avoid

The ultimate benefit is greater independence throughout your life.

How much daily exercise do you really need?

Sometimes the hardest part of exercising is knowing where to begin or knowing how much to do. 

Choosing the right home weight machine

Consider a workout that targets all muscle groups.

There’s value in strength training

The goal is to keep muscles strong at every age.