Women's Health

Women’s Wellness Source

Your source on current women’s health topics, with expert advice, lifestyle tips and inspirational stories to help you feel your best.

Want better health? Shun fad diets and supplements

Whole foods and a Mediterranean-style diet are the ideal nutritional strategies to combat disease and achieve optimum health.

Topsy-turvy life? Time to recalibrate

Food is one area in life where you have full control, but only if you map out a plan—and stick to it.

Fall’s here—get back on track

These 7 simple steps can help put your mind and body on the path to healthy aging.

Building a game plan

For women at midlife, commitment to a healthy lifestyle is an essential component of physical, sexual and mental well-being.

A guiding light

Midlife and menopause will conjure plenty of mood swings and emotional turmoil. Sometimes an expert therapist is your best course of action.

Patient Story

A journey re-imagined

Jacquie Karr-Zlotnicki's health journey has seen its share of ups and downs. She weathered it all through a renewed focus on all aspects of self—mind, spirit and body.

The power of community

Feel like you're alone and adrift amid hot flashes and menopause? Friends and family—and your health care provider—should be ports in the storm.

Escape the summer hot flash

Understand why your body is undergoing this process and you'll soon be a step closer to squelching that unwelcome heat.

7 ways to conquer stress cravings

When life gets hectic, use these save-the-hips tips for avoiding temptation.

Feel good in your skin

Proper sun protection and good care is your best line of defense. But if trouble arises—do you know what to look for?

Embrace the summer freshness

Nourish your body from the inside out with these tips from a doctor in the know.

Keep the spark alive

Sexual health is an important part of overall well-being. It takes time and work to keep it anything but dull—but it's worth the effort.